May 8, 2019



Even the most positive person in the world will trip and fall over life’s inevitable difficulties – it’s just part of living. While there are many approaches on how to deal with these difficulties, most of them only address the conscious mind, and that is the reason they are not very successful in permanent change and growth. What I want to share with you in this book is how to change and grow using your unconscious mind. Inside, I share my seven-aspect approach to resilience in difficult situations which allows you to reach hope, as your normal emotional state of being.

Each and every one of us has been given everything we need to be successful. But, we need to uncover, identify, and understand the personal resources we already have. For many, our resources are buried under major negative emotions like fear, hurt, depression, or anger. You might be surprised to learn that these major negative emotions are associated with stages of grief. Many people are stuck in one of these stages of grief as their resting or normal state of being, yet they don’t realize it. Once you know how to identify and maneuver through these stages, you’ll be able to reach hope, optimism, and gratitude, leading to a more fulfilled and happy life.

My intention with writing this book is to teach you how to move away from feeling stagnant, stuck, and without options to being motivated, laser-focused, and hopeful in the face of life’s challenges, both great and small.

Deneen Andrades – Best Selling Author